Friday, October 3, 2008

Mess Maker

Campbell has presented a challenge, or at least a very oppositional defiance to deal with. Everything is "MINE" and everything has to be done her way! With that comes all the messes she enjoys making, even though she really thinks she is helping me clean up. If only she knew the truth. Unlike her sister, who knew from the word NO to stop doing what she was doing or to stay out of trouble, Campbell refuses to follow directions and is always getting herself into trouble.

Today was no exception. After a short trip to the grocery store we returned with a treat, she can now say "doughnut" and was sure to make a good chocolaty mess.

As I tried to put away the groceries she thought she needed to help rearrange the items on the shelves. Of course this was after she wanted to change clothes into her swimsuit and I said No, so we settled for a gymnastics leotard. She is impossible to keep caged and she some how opens every child safety lock we have installed. Quiet the clever little girl this one!

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