Friday, December 10, 2010

Seafood Extravaganza Revised

What are the holidays without a little (or a LOT) of seafood? The Napa Crew gathered together at the Smith's house for a Seafood Extravaganza Birthday dinner. Complete with shrimp, crab legs, lobster, and scallops. Alongside was couscous, salad, cheddar bay biscuits, and chocolate cake for dessert. The starters were enough to fill up on, with cheese, dips, crackers, olives, and more. So much food, so many good friends, and so much fun! All the kids (11 of them) had their own party downstairs with Christmas movies, popcorn, and cookies. It was a delicious celebration dinner and even better that all the men were in the kitchen cooking, while us women relaxed in the living room and chatted it up. Great times!

The starters!

Crab legs!


Chocolate cake!

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