Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Spring Music Festival

Cooper has been playing the flute since Spring 2010 and loves it. She was excited for the opportunity to play for an audience at the Spring Music Festival. She recruited her friend, Julianne, to play a duet with her to the song, "William Tell Overture." Julianne played the piano, while Cooper played the flute.

The Spring Music Festival is a contest among school age students either playing an instrument or singing. It is judged and winners earn a prize. We didn't know this going into the Festival and once the girls heard the news, they were a bit nervous. After it set in though, they got excited and wanted to win. They were the youngest participants in the Festival. They did a splendid job on their performance. In the end Cooper's flute instructor had told the judges that her students were not part of the contest and would only be playing for practice, so the girls were disappointed to not be judged. What a whirlwind of emotions. The applause and reception from the crowd was enough of a reward and they certainly earned it. Good job girls!

Cooper and Julianne performing.

After the performance, all smiles!

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