It was the beginning of October when my sister called me. She spoke quickly, frantically, and with excitement. "Did you hear the news" she asked. "No" I responded. "Garth Brooks has announced he is ending his show in Las Vegas - so when are we going to see him again" she asked. I sat for a moment and took in what she had said. "Now!" I said. "Now and every show until then end" was my reply.
Within a few minutes, we had mapped out the dates of the shows that were left and had decided on one that would work for us. It was a big expense that neither of us had planned on, but when it's Garth Brooks, I have to do it. I had made one promise to myself (and Chad) and that was that I would take my girls to see this Garth Brooks concert. I just didn't think it would have been now.
Chad and I had planned our 10th wedding anniversary around Garth Brooks' concert back in February 2010. It was a treasure to see Garth play at the Encore. On the stage, by himself, alone with his guitar. Chad and I returned in August 2010 for a special birthday treat to see the concert again. And although Chad would say it was the same thing as it was in February. To me each concert is different, is special, is unique.
So we had it set. Chad, Cooper, Campbell, and I would join my sister, Kelly and her husband Pat in Las Vegas for one of Garth's close to last shows. It was a surprise I was going to keep.
We had emailed the teachers's telling them Chad would pick the girls up early from school. I had made arrangements at work. Airline tickets were purchased. Hotel rooms were reserved. We were set to go. I was beyond excited!!! Chad picked the girls up from school and met me at home. They continued to ask over and over again what we were doing and where we were going. I had already packed the suitcases and hid them in the back of Chad's truck. We told the girls we were going on an adventure. We were going to some place to take family pictures. Once we arrived at the Kansas City airport, the girls still couldn't believe we now were going to fly somewhere. They couldn't believe we had the suitcases all ready in the back of the pickup truck. At the check-in counter, we told the attendant he could inform the girls where it was we were traveling to. When he told them Las Vegas their jaws dropped!!! After a quick potty break, Campbell was inquiring why we were going to Las Vegas and if we were going to see someone there. We still hadn't told them that Kelly & Pat were going to meet us there. I told the girls that yes we were going to see someone famous in Las Vegas. And wouldn't you know it Campbell guessed right away, "mom, are we going to see Garth Brooks." I said "Yes, yes we are." Cooper was jumping up and down excited. I couldn't have been more happy. It was all working out and we had pulled off the biggest surprise of their lives.
It will be a spectacular weekend!!