Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cooper's new glasses

She is so excited she even got a glasses case, cleaner, and polish rag.

I think they look really nice on her. I'll have to find a picture of me in my first glasses. I can tell you they were NOT this cool. I was a total dork.

Chad took Cooper to the eye doctor yesterday just for a visit, to screen her eyes since she will begin Kindergarten in August. We were surprised when the doctor found out that she is farsighted. It isn't really bad as she can see 20/20 out of both eyes both ways, but it is just enough to warrant glasses. So we had to go back today to get her eyes dilated and take some pics and yes she needs glasses. Just for school/reading, because her eyes are working harder to focus on smaller close up words.

Now when I had to get glasses in 5th grade, it was the end of the world for me. For our dearest Cooper, she couldn't have been happier. She was so excited. We picked out a pair and got them today. She is proudly showing them off.

What a big girl. First earrings, now glasses; what's next? I know, I know...braces.


Crystal said...

She looks so cute in her glasses. I can't believe she getting so big! What a beautiful girl.

Nicole Coleman said...

I love your glasses Cooper! They look really great on you. Good luck with your first day of school. I know you are ready though. You're a smart girl.