Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas #1

The weather made travel easy this year and our weekend together with family at my sister's house was a hit. My sister's family is currently living in a rental house while their new house is being built. The girls are always excited to play with their cousins. The adults are always happy to eat, drink, and be merry. We love to watch the kids rip open their gifts and allow them time to play with the new goodies. Then after the kids have gone to bed us adults take our time opening gifts one at a time and discussing the past year and plan for the new year. It's always a fun weekend!

The kids opening gifts.

Dad wearing Ryland's glasses.

Opening gifts.

Kelly opening a Shutterfly gift certificate.

Pat was happy to get a snow blower.

Chad asked for a humidor for his cigars.

Marie was so thrilled to get the dvd "The Way We Were."

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