Saturday, June 18, 2011

Milestone of Generosity Event

After months of preparation, the day for the Milestone of Generosity Event was here. I can't begin to tell you how surreal it is to look back at the pictures and see our dream come to fruition. The amount of love, support, kindness, and generosity felt that evening was insurmountable. It was an amazing feeling to have all of our family, friends, and guests there to cheer on our family. Complete with a silent auction, dinner & drinks, live auction, tons of giveaways, speeches, cake, and a band/dance. The night was all I had hoped it to be and so much more! To think this all started ten years ago with two very new and sad parents who lost their first born child. It was a night that I know Colgin helped create and I am very proud to say we did it! Love you Colgin.

Centerpieces on the tables

The tables held photos of Colgin, sunflowers, and candles.

A scene of the tables under the tent.

Colgin's cake

The big top tent.

The barn.

Tables of silent auction items.

Tables of live auction items.

Thanking our family.

Presenting Mercy Community Health Foundation with a check for the amount raised to date.

Family is Forever

Chad and I

Cooper and Campbell

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