Thursday, August 11, 2011

Worlds of Fun

To wrap up the summer we took the girls to Worlds of Fun in Kansas City. Cooper hadn't rode very many big rides before and was excited to share some rollercoaster rides with Chad. They rode the Mamba (too many times, even sitting in the very first seat) and the Prowler. Cooper loved every minute of it. The girls rode all kinds of rides. While Cooper and Chad were on the roller coasters, Campbell and I went to enjoy Planet Snoopy. Campbell rode all the rides and had a tremendous amount of fun. Complete with yummy food and drinks. It was a great adventure!

Campbell driving the bumper cars.

Cooper driving the bumper cars.

Meet Snoopy!

Hanging out with Snoopy.

Campbell on the swings. (She rode these atleast 5 times)

Campbell driving the cars.

Bug ride.

Mom and Campbell on the whirly birds nest.

Having fun.


Hands up!

Dad and Campbell on the tug boat.

Flying an airplane.

Last, but not least, the carousel ride.

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