Campbell's vocabulary continues to expand exponentially every day. The long list includes: mommy, daddy, Cooper, Campbell, Oma, Opa, Papa, Grandma, bus, pink, kitty, doll, baby, bubby, milk, drink, mess, wipe, and ball. Those were all too easy for her. Now she is onto words like April, Kyle, poopy diaper, stroller, walk, bike, Jeremy, Beth, Kelly, Pat-Pat, Bailey, Ry-Ry, Maverick, heavy, Barbie, fish, snack, color, makeup, flip flop, teeth, bath, potty, pewy-stinky, bed, crib, seat, vrroom-vrroom, fork, cup, bowl, seeds, cereal, band-aide, purse, keys, bye-bye, phone, remote, hot, thank you, good morning, and the very famous no.
This picture shows clearly what her favorite word is: MINE, MINE, MINE! Leave her to her own devices for just a minute and look at what she creates. Yes, that is a table filled with crackers. Those Ritz cheese sandwich crackers. She thinks she can eat all of those, and to top it off she takes the crackers apart and only eats the cheese!