Sunday, September 21, 2008

Grateful for Grandparents Part 2

Oma & Opa w/ Campbell & Cooper

This is the second of three installments on this topic. We are very blessed to have three sets of grandparents for the girls to enjoy. We are lucky they all live close enough to share in important events and make lasting memories with the girls.

Second, Chad's parents; Tom & Jane.

Tom & Jane bought a house here in Manhattan about 5 years ago and when we found this house 3 years ago, the fact that it was only a few minutes from Tom & Jane's was a perk. Since Tom & Jane lived in Germany (this last time) for 12 years or more, they wanted the grandkids to call them "Oma & Opa" - the German equivalent.

Oma lives here in Manhattan full time, but Tom works in Leavenworth, KS and commutes home every weekend. When they both moved state side 4 years ago, Tom took a job in Washington DC and was only able to come home a few times a year. Both the girls love to have Opa home more often now.

Oma is a great babysitter and frequently helps us out in a pinch. She loves to watch the girls. She has many interests including: all kinds of sewing projects, antique collecting, attending auctions, and traveling the world. Cooper loves to learn how to stitch from Oma. Oma made Cooper a cute Dutch girl quilt for her bedcover. She also helps out with ironing and sewing up daddy's clothes.

Opa has a lot of creative ideas for dramatic play. Although he hasn't quite taken a love for the "younger" age of the girls, once they are 3 or so he really turns on the charm. Cooper and Opa love to play banker, card shop, take a cruise in his Mercedes, or do puzzles and read books about the states. I think he loves to share his knowledge with her.

Oma & Opa haved volunteered to do numerous jobs at Colgin's golf tournaments and donate each year to our cause. We love to spend time with them, whether it's eating dinner at their house, decorating the Christmas tree, or just playing outdoors with the girls. We are all very glad they are both state side now and can enjoy spending time together as a family.

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