Wednesday, February 16, 2011

PT Conferences

We are proud to say that both girl received positive reports from their teachers at PT Conferences. Way to go girls!

Cooper continues to excel in school. She is reading Mysteries now and completed the class projects. She is working on Math facts in a timed test fashion. Spelling is her challenge, but once she sees the word correctly she usually remembers how to spell it. She is very helpful to other students and her teacher and enjoys being given extra tasks and assigned other responsibilities. Imagine that!

Campbell is doing well in Preschool. She recognizes her numbers to 10, can write her name, and is beginning to recognize letters and the sounds they make. She likes to shadow the teacher and help out even when not asked. She enjoys playing with her friends and is right on the verge of grasping the whole concept of school and such. She certainly has grown up a lot in just these few months.

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