Monday, January 21, 2008

The End of Harry Potter

I have finished the 7th Harry Potter book...finally. Chad and Cooper bought the book for me back in August when it came out, but I couldn't start reading it until just this month. For me to finish a 759 page book in less than a month is a triumph. I'm a slow and intense reader, especially with something as detailed as this book. For those of you who enjoy Harry, man what a good book! I keep telling Chad that the movie will have to be in two parts, because there is just so much information to put into it. It was an amazing book, the best of the series by far. I love how the ending still leaves hope for more to come or a new "war" to start. I was sad to see it finished, but happy with the outcome and pretty darn proud of myself for finishing it. Now I've just got to wait for movie six and seven to come out. ;o)

1 comment:

Crystal said...

I loved the last Harry Potter!! I think she ended the series wonderfully, although I would have liked for it to have gone on forever!