Friday, February 29, 2008

Girls Weekend!

This past weekend Chad went to San Francisco so the girls and I went out to my mom's house for the weekend and a little girl time. My sister and Bailey were there and we all had a lot of fun. Campbell loves all the dogs and chased them all over the house. She wants to help grandma with everything she does, even when grandma didn't need help. Cooper and Bailey played well together. Their imaginations seem to lead them in many directions; school, house, sisters, etc. Mom, Kelly, and I enjoyed watching HGTV and catching up on our magazine reading. We tried to come up with solutions to our home decorating issues. We played games, painted fingernails, did crafts, and ate great food. The funniest part of the weekend was during a game of UNO Attack-o. Bailey played a trade hands card and traded hands with Cooper, to which Cooper replied "God-Dammit, now I can't play that card." Mom, Kelly, and I couldn't say a word as we were laughing so hard that we were crying. The girls didn't have a clue why we were laughing, but mom and Kelly both say Cooper gets that language from good old mom. ;o)

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