Monday, February 18, 2008

K-State Victory

On Saturday night we took both girls (Campbell's first time) to the K-State vs Missouri basketball game. K-State had a huge victory and both girls enjoyed cheering on the wildcats. That evening they were recognizing the teammates from the 1948 and 1958 winning teams. One of those players is Ernie Barrett, otherwise known as Mr. K-State. Chad knows Mr. Barrett from donations Nespor's contributes to the K-State Fish Fry. He was excited to take a picture with Chad and the girls. We had a wonderful evening together. When we left the game we discovered it was raining outside. Our attempt to take pictures of the girls is to get their picture included in the Future Wildcats show displayed during upcoming basketball games. I think we'll make it, they are so cute. The score was 100-63!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Chris! Yep, I think it's official: Cooper & Campbell are the cutest little girls ever. That hair just keeps getting redder and redder every day! :) I'll be watching the jumbotron on Monday expecting to see them up there. I also think you need to get Cooper practicing for the Little Cat Slam-Jam.