So Kris tagged me on her blog, and now I'm playing along.
Here are the rules:
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
4. If you are tagged, just do it, and pass the tag along!
Random things about me:
1. I was born in Stuttgart, Germany because my dad was in the Army and stationed there. My mom would tell you she was in labor with me for 48 hours and it was bad. My mom's sister had flown in to visit and my dad, mom, aunt, and parent's good friend all went to a carnival that weekend before. My mom walked around everywhere, hoping I would make my entrance. Needless to say, I was stubborn and didn't want to enter the world quite yet. So as my aunt was on the plane flying home, I was being born. We lived in Germany until I was 2 years old. Little did I know, that 24 years later I'd meet my husband and at the time his parents lived in Stuttgart, Germany.
2. I have lived in 5 different states. Colorado, Kansas, Florida, Iowa, and Nevada. I have also attended 5 different colleges. Seminole Community College, Garden City Community College, Iowa State University, Kansas State University, and University of Nevada Las Vegas.
3. I have 1 real sister, 2 step sisters, and 2 step brothers. Which really means I have 9 nieces and 8 nephews. Wow!
4. I make lists all the time! To do lists, things to buy at the grocery store lists, birthday lists, phone number lists, Christmas gift lists, chore lists, song lists, idea lists, etc. You get the picture. Of course this is really just a way to get all the "stuff" out of my head and get it down on paper, so that I can sleep easier at night. My main "to do" list never really gets completely done, and I so wish there were about 10 of me and maybe it would make a dent in the things that I want done but just can't make a final decision about doing.
5. I worry a lot. Anxiety, fear, silly over analyzing, pre-planning and planning some more, over thinking situations, worrying over how people feel/think, just your basic stuff everybody does right?? I generally can keep it all in check, but at times I'm a bit OCD and have to have things my way. Especially when I start something, I generally won't stop until it's done and in doing so I'll over do what I intended to do and rope in 3 more projects with it. It's really bad when I have to fly, because I hate flying. I don't sleep well the night before the flight, I can't eat the day of the flight, and even worse I can't sleep on the flight. I need distractions, so generally I find some nice stranger who will talk to me the entire time. ;o)
6. I like my sleep. I work better in the mornings right away w/ no interuptions. I enjoy being with family & friends. I like to play games. I love chocolate. I love cereal. I love candy bars. I love PF Chang's and hate the fact that the closest one is 2 hours away. I don't read much, but I did read and really enjoyed the Harry Potter books and the Twilight series. I don't like amusement park rides. I am always cold and don't like the cold. I like to organize, be organized, and if I could have my dream job it would be a professional organizer.
So all that being said; I tag Jura, Emma, Stacy, Heidi, Crystal, and Nicole. Enjoy!
Slow Start
1 week ago
as you can see its late and I'm still up and will have to be awake in about 4 more hours to feed Jaryn. I am completely exhausted tonight and SO ready to sleep in just once! I am totally unorganized right now and nothing seems to get done but I keep thinking it's ok and I'll try to get to it soon and just enjoy our little miracle. Can I just say we are so opposite yet so alike? I can't wait to see you in a few weeks, although somewhat embarrassed; my house feels like a mini babies r us store. I mean honestly how much stuff does this little lady need? Oh well I'm gonna deal b/c I wouldn't trade her for anything she is love at its best- so sweet and innocent and full of life. Now if we could just find a photographer like Nicole. Love you like a sis, see you soon
Thank you so much for playing along. I loved reading your random thoughts. I too am a worrier... anxiety and hate hate flying. I eat a ton when I fly to keep my mind off of guess we are different in that way!
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