Monday, August 31, 2009



Campbell found Cooper's scissors today and the outcome was NOT good! I was unaware that Cooper's bedroom door was unlocked and of course Curious Campbell went inside. Cooper has a pair of school scissors in one of her desk drawers and it didn't take long for Campbell to find them. I knew something was wrong when she was really quiet and I asked her what she was doing. She told me "you don't have to yell at me." That was the dead giveaway. Now if you look closely there are 2 piles of hair. Very clearly a color difference in each. The smaller pile (THANK GOD) is Campbell's own hair. The larger pile is the hair of Cooper's American Girl Doll. Now both aren't TOO noticeable to the unknowing eye, but if Cooper ever finds out she will come unglued! Geez!! And to top things off, we have family pictures in 2 days!!

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