Monday, January 26, 2009

Blog Books

I received my Blog Books on Saturday and I'm so glad they are done and here. I used the site which is partnered with SharedBook. I purchased 2 books, so that both girls would have a copy. Each book cost $55. Now that may seem like a lot, but for me, it's priceless. Because right here in my hands, in a very pretty pink binded book, with pictures, dedication, and all my thoughts & words; are the memories that my girls can look back on and read what happened in our family in 2008. I am very happy that technology has come so far and we are lucky to have this done for us. My only complaint is that the words that usually follow a picture aren't under or by that specific picture, so that part is a little hard to follow. I didn't print the comments that may have been made (I can't remember if that was even an option). Anyhow, 2008 is done and now I'm looking forward to 2009. I recommend taking the time to put your thoughts into words to preserve your family's history for many years to come.


Tisha said...

This is great information to have! Everyone I know has been so upset blurb isn't working for blogspot now. I have hesitated because I was unsure where else to go. If your book is nice, I will try this place too. Do you have any pictures of your book you could post? ;-)

Kristen said...

Thank you Chris...I really needed to read this today. Thank you for your support. I was going to ask for pictures, but I see someone already beat me to it! I used for my first book but I would love to compare with your decide on which one I would use in a couple of months. The price is comparable. I didn't love the binding on the blurb books.